Not washing your face

Just because no one will come to see you at lockdown, does not mean that we should not wash our face. Whether you are going out or not, be sure to wash your face at least twice daily. Even if there is no pollution, you have excess oil, sweat, and bacteria on your face. All this can also cause problems like pimples and oily skin, especially in summers.

Not using a facepack

Use a face pack once or twice a week. This will make your skin glow even more. Lockdown is the best time for skincare. During this time you can stay away from stress by taking care of your skin.

Stay away from make-up

This is the time let your skin breathe There is no doubt that there are many high-quality makeup products available in the market that do not harm your skin at all. But cut down the use of makeup, especially in the lockdown days.

Sleeping late at night

Staying up late at, spending time on mobile not only puts a strain on the eyes but also damages the skin. If you do not sleep well, it will have a profound effect on your beauty. During this time, do not compromise your beauty sleep at all.

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You should get used to bathing every day, especially during the summer. This is not only good for your personal hygiene, but you can also keep your skin bright and healthy in this way. Also, if you take a shower every morning, you will not feel lethargic. 

Take regular baths