Burma Camp Girl Explains How YCP Supporters Hit Her

Recently we have seen visuals and pictures of two girls and their mother brutally beaten up on roads, with deep wounds inflicted on their faces and skulls as well. Apparently, the girl who got hurt on the head badly has finally come out before the media, explaining what happened in their house that day.

For a long time, it was believed that the Burma Camp Colony in Vizag would vote for the YSR Congress blindly. However, with this girl, Sunku Nookaratnam revealed that she voted for the Telugudesam party, talk started to spread in the colony and a few folks started to attack this girl’s family.

Sunku Nookaratnam further said: “As we have revealed that we voted for Telugudesam Party, a family that is a supporter of YSR Congress attacked us, with rods and flower pots. I lost consciousness after getting hit badly by those people and later called Dial 100 for help”. Nookaratnam got almost 21 stitches on a couple of areas of her head and was also said to have her hand bones fractured in the incident.

The local Telugudesam leaders explained that the Police have joined forces with YSRC goons and planned these attacks on people who haven’t voted for them.