Telangana Chamber Stops Flexible Pricing Misuse 

A few Multiplexes in Hyderabad have gone for the Kill and opted for the highest slab of 295 Rupees defeating the spirit of Telangana Government’s Flexible Pricing G.O. As a result the occupancies of new films and running films have fallen suddenly.

Audiences are also making critical comments against the Loot. Telangana film chamber of Commerce immediately intervened and took action. They have talked to the Multiplexes and ensured the prices are decreased from tomorrow.

“The G.O. is helpful for the industry with flexible pricing system. A few people could not understand it and hence the confusion. So, the Chamber has intervened. Small films should continue normal prices to bring audience to theaters. We will proactively involve in the coming days,” President Sunil Narang said.

He also revealed that the Chamber is talking to the theaters where Food and Beverages are sold at shocking prices. “The industry and Exhibitors have suffered enough for two years. We should steady the business now by retaining our customers,” he added.