Avatar 2: Jackpot On 3D Glasses For Telugu Theatres

Whatever may be the collection of a film, an exhibitor (theatre owners) will get only 20-30% of it, or they have to give their theatres on a rental basis without worrying about more or fewer profits.

For “Avatar 2”, most theatres owners opted for a ’share’ basis revenue only than giving the theatres for rent as they know that they could make more money in that way. And here is how they are making more than expected now. 

While the amount from the tickets that an exhibitor (theatre owner) clocks is about 20-30%, here in the case of “Avatar 2”, they are getting an extra ₹50-100, thanks to the 3D Glass Charges levied on the audience in many screens now.

This charge is included in the tickets, and now that the additional charge completely belongs to exhibitors only, neither producers nor distributors will get a cut from that. As Disney agreed to not take anything from that money, theatre owners in Telugu states are said to be making merry from the glasses charges. 

And with most of film critics advising film lovers to watch Avatar 2 only in the 3D version to experience the maximum visual spectacle of the movie, even audiences are also preferring to watch that version only.

On a whole, Telugu theatre owners are lucky to have made such an arrangement where as up north, the 65% share of the ticket sold, whether that is a ₹400 ticket or ₹2500 ticket, it goes straight to the pocket of producers, Disney, only.