Power Of Social Media Proved In Star Hero’s Case?

For years, detractors had often labeled star hero Akshay Kumar as “Canadian Kumar” due to his Canadian citizenship, despite his prominent roles in patriotic Indian films and portrayals of Indian intelligence agents. However, with the actor’s declaration that his heart and citizenship are now firmly Indian, as he reacquired Indian citizenship, his fans have celebrated the news, while his critics have begun to emphasize the role that social media played in driving the discourse around his nationality.

When news initially surfaced about Akshay Kumar’s Canadian citizenship despite his on-screen portrayals of Indian patriotism, it ignited a strong wave of backlash and criticism. Many questioned the actor’s allegiance and commitment to India, leading to debates and discussions across various platforms.

Social media played a pivotal role in amplifying these discussions, enabling both supporters and detractors to voice their opinions and share their perspectives. The term “Canadian Kumar” gained traction as a moniker used by his critics, showcasing how social media can influence public perception and even affect the reputations of public figures.

Ultimately, the power of social media has proven to be a driving force in shaping the narrative around Akshay Kumar’s citizenship status. The recent turn of events highlights how conversations initiated and fuelled by social media can lead to tangible outcomes, influencing decisions made by public figures and institutions alike.