When Vijay Antony spoke about his father’s suicide

The tragic news of the suicide of Tamil actor and composer Vijay Antony’s daughter, Meera, at the young age of 16, has deeply saddened not only his family but the entire Kollywood industry. Meera was a 12th-grade student in a private school in Chennai, and it is believed that depression may have been a contributing factor in her decision to take her own life.

In an old interview, Vijay Antony discussed his approach to parenting and how he encouraged his daughter to make her own choices. In the same interview, Vijay Antony emphasized that he never forced his daughter to study and that the topic of studies was not a point of contention at home. Vijay Antony mentioned that he always encouraged his daughter to be herself and never imposed any specific expectations on her.

Meanwhile, an old video of Vijay Antony is going viral on social media where he shared a personal experience related to suicide. He revealed that his own father had committed suicide when he was just seven years old, leaving a deep impact on his life. He expressed his sympathy for families who have experienced such tragedies and stressed that he understood the pain and hardship associated with suicide.

Despite the hardships he had faced, Vijay Antony stated that he had never considered suicide himself.