T-BJP Leader Suggest ‘Bull Kick’ Treatment To Telangana BJP

Former MP and BJP leader Jithender Reddy’s tweet has stormed the Telangana political circles. Going into the story, Jithender Reddy posted a video on his official Twitter handle and it caught up in a row.

The video had a man kicking the balls of a bull while trying to get the animal in a vehicle. “This treatment is what’s required for BJP Telangana leadership,” captioned Jithender to the video. Initially Jithender deleted the video but later he posted it back and this has caused unrest in the Telangana BJP.

However the BJP leader covered up his tweet and added that this tweet/video is to those who question and doubt Telangana BJP chief Bandi Sanjay’s leadership. Nonetheless, Jithender Reddy’s tweet backfired at their own party leaders as the damage control did not work out.

For quite some time now there is huge buzz that Telangana BJP leadership will undergo a change and many are questioning Bandi Sanjay’s leadership. These internal conflicts within the party have let down the cadre.