‘Bring A Stretcher, I Am Saif Ali Khan’ – Auto Driver Recalls The Night

The auto driver who took Saif Ali Khan to the hospital in his auto rikshaw recalls the night it happened. Auto driver Bhajan Singh Rana said he was not aware that the passenger in a blood-soaked kurta he gave a ride to Lilavati Hospital was Saif Ali Khan.

It was only when they reached the hospital gate that he called the guard to get a stretcher, saying he was Saif Ali Khan, the auto driver revealed.

Bhajan Singh Rana noticed the person was soaked in blood got into the auto had injuries on his neck and back. He further reveals that Saif walked into the auto and a seven-to-eight-year-old boy also got into the rickshaw and there was another young man in the auto, referring to Taimur and Ibrahim Ali Khan.

The earlier plan was to go to Holy Family Hospital in Bandra, but Saif reportedly asked to be taken to Lilavati Hospital. ‘When we reached the hospital, he called out to the guard at the gate and told him: ‘Please bring a stretcher. I am Saif Ali Khan’,’ he said, adding the auto reached the hospital around 3 am.

The driver said he did not charge the actor fare after he dropped him at the hospital within seven to eight minutes.