US: Non-emergency 911 Calls In Dallas To Be Reported Online

In a major change to improve the response times in Dallas, the Police Department has made non-emergency 911 calls to be reported online.

The Dallas Police Department has seen an increase in high-priority calls like threats to life and property or other calls that need an immediate emergency response. Multiple officers are required at a scene for an extended period of time for these emergencies.

In order to improve the response time, the non-emergencies need to be reported online starting July 3. These incidents include vehicle burglaries, identity theft and interference with child custody, etc. The forms will be available at and it will guide the users through the reporting process. The online filing of a report will not take more than 10 – 20 minutes.

The Dallas police department makes it clear that the investigative process will still be the same as if an officer took the report at the scene.

The 911 emergencies still receive immediate attention.