The Famous Mona Lisa Smeared With Cake Pastry

The Mona Lisa was attacked by a cake pastry. A man disguised as an elderly lady at the Louvre in Paris on Sunday smeared the Mona Lisa with a cake pastry cream.

According to the video footage of the incident, the painting was attacked by a man who jumped from a wheelchair and covered the protective glass over the artwork in cream. The painting was made by the world-famous Leonardo Da Vinci.

The man reportedly threw rose petals around the scene before he got arrested. He also urged the people around to think about the planet. The act of vandalism is thought to be an environment-related protest.

Speaking French, the man in the video says: ‘There are people who are destroying the Earth … All artists, think about the Earth. That’s why I did this. Think of the planet.’

An employee at the museum was seen wiping a mess off the glass.