10 Days From Today: AP Will Be a Burning Pot

In exactly 10 days from today, Andhra Pradesh will be resembling a burning pot as the counting of votes is scheduled to take place on the 4th of June. By this time on June 4th, the counting would have begun and we would start to receive the early trends based on the postal ballots.

As is the mandated practice, the postal ballots will be counted first. Considering that a record-setting 5.4 lakh postal ballots were polled in AP this year, the counting process could take a little longer than expected which ultimately means the early trends could take that much longer.

Once the postal ballots are done, the counting of the EVM votes will begin immediately. By approximately 12 in the afternoon, we could be getting a projection of who would be forming the government in AP.

For now, all eyes are on the 4th of June as people are extremely curious about the public mandate. Likewise, there is a whole lot of betting action going around the same. The ground-level talk from the betting circles is that the TDP+ alliance is being seen as the slight favorite to win the election.