Actor Throws Party Over Failure

He’s a popular character artist known for his peculiar mannerisms and also the way he speaks about everyone and everything. At the same time, he tried his hands as a film producer too while scoring a few brownies and tasting many big flops. Due to some financial crunch, he kept away from production but often gets into trending due to his weakest tongue. 

The other day, this character artist is said to have thrown a big party for some of his friends from the film industry. Neither his birthday nor any other event related to his family is not the cause behind this party, but the failure of a movie is said to be the reason. Apparently, the people involved in the making of that film have hurt this character artist a lot as he went quite open about them in the market. Since then, he’s said to be doing Pooja every day for the flop show of this particular film. 

Usually, heroes and directors who happen to be rivals of a particular filmmaker or production house often enjoy these revenge parties. But this character artist throwing a party for the failure of a film purely based on his egoistic satisfaction has stunned the attendees too. Guess what, he has even cut a cake at the event and has thrown it into the air on this occasion, if the reports shared by a few insiders are anything to go by.