Megastar Gets Back to ‘Vishwambhara’ For Three Reasons

Megastar Chiranjeevi is back on set for the movie “Vishwambhara” after a break. The film, directed by Bimbisara fame Vassishta and starring Trisha as his co-star, is a big-budget fantasy project.

Even though the shoot was supposed to start later due to hot weather, Chiranjeevi decided to start early for these three reasons if the insiders were to go by.

The reason is that to avoid wasting time and money, Megastar is said to have made the Vishwambhara team resume shooting on May 22nd, Wednesday.

The team will be working hard at the Annapurna Seven Acres studio in Hyderabad to finish the main part of the movie.

The second reason is that the heatwave in Hyderabad cooled down after some unexpected rains, even if the hot climate comes back, it will not be as scorching as the first week of May.

The third reason is that the film, produced by Pramod and Vamsi, is expected to have stunning visuals with special effects. Chiranjeevi’s eagerness to get back to work, pushing the team to resume shooting earlier than expected is because he wants to give more time to VFX teams while they have January 2025 release deadline.